by Marlon Ribunal
1 Comment

My Favorite SQL Prompt Features

SQL Prompt from Redgate Software is one of the tools that I cannot live without. Well, that’s probably an exaggeration but I use it daily in my job. Whether I’m writing stored procedures or crunching TSQL codes to troubleshoot data issues in SQL Server, I depend on it to show me the things that I need – and even the things that I don’t think I need. It’s the IntelliSense everyone needs for productivity.

The features and code-complete capabilities of SQL Prompt makes a productive SQL Developer or DBA more efficient. I think I have told my co-workers more often than I should that I couldn’t write TSQL without it. In fact, I wonder how anyone could do their job productively and efficiently without it or any other type of IntelliSense tool for that matter. SQL Prompt is just the best code completion and refactoring tool on the market.

A little disclaimer, though. I am part of the Friends of Redgate Program (FoRG). I have long been a fan of SQL Prompt even before I became part of FoRG and, I think, even before Redgate acquired the tool (If my memory serves me right, it was not an original product of Redgate, or maybe that was something else).

I like all the features of SQL Prompt, but these are the few that I like most.

Code Analysis

The Code Analysis feature guides you to writing better codes and avoiding common pitfalls of code smell. This is how it works. As you type, the tool scans your code against a set of rules and mark the lines that violate these rules. An explanation of each rule is provided and also some suggestions on how to improve your code. Most important of these, in my opinion, are the Deprecated Rules that warn you of, well, deprecated objects.

Code Analysis Deprecated Rules Redgate SQL Prompt

As the analysis is performed in real-time, you can correct your codes as you write. As of this writing, you cannot create custom rules but the existing ones are good enough to ensure that you are writing efficient codes. Other rules are Best Practice, Execution, Performace, and many others.

Snippets Template Parameter

You probably have a set of scripts that you often run, like troubleshooting scripts or query. My favorite feature is using snippets with template parameters. Say, you have a script that has a variable. Normally, you would hardcode the variable or leave it empty when writing the snippet. When invoked, the snippets allows you to specify the value of the parameter.

Here’s an example. Create a snippet and add the parameter placeholder with format <Parameter, Type, Value>.

SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription
FROM Product
WHERE Price > <price, smallmoney,100.00>

When the snippet is invoked, a form pops up:

SQL Prompt Snippet Template Parameter

Table Alias

This is a good way to be consistent with table aliasing. Consistent table aliases across the company is also a best practice to maintain. You can set object aliases in the options menu.

SQL Prompt Object Aliases

Encapsulate as New Stored Procedure

So you’ve written a long TSQL code and decided to convert it to a stored procedure. You can do that on the fly by using the Encapsulate as New Stored Procedure wizard. Here’s an example of the generated script.

Script created by SQL Prompt version from Red Gate Software Ltd at 1/20/2018 10:57:28 PM
Run this script to create the encapsulated stored procedure.

Please back up your database before running this script.
SELECT ProductName, ProductDescription
FROM dbo.Product 
WHERE Price > 200.00


Custom Style

You can use Custom Styles to enforce Coding Conventions. You can create styles from scratch or use one of the existing styles.

SQL Prompt Styles

You have an option to preview your current query with the style selected.

SQL Prompt is not only a productivity tool. You can also use it to enforce Best Practices and conventions within your organization. What is your favorite feature? Share them in the comment below.

sql server table partition function

by Marlon Ribunal
1 Comment

How To Split Table Partitions Automatically

Table partitions can bring a lot of benefits to the manageability and performance of your SQL Server – that is if the partitions are configured and designed correctly. If you’ve got a large table with hundreds of millions of records, and you need to maintain a portion of that table only and not necessarily the whole table, table partitioning allows you to perform that maintenance on a partition-by-partition basis. And, also, when you enable lock escalation on the partition level, many of your locking and blocking woes might be fixed. If you have issues of locking/blocking on a big table in an application that performs high concurrency, table partitioning might help. Brent Ozar Unlimited has some good resources on SQL Server Table Partitioning.

What I want to focus on this post is the splitting of partition. It is very important to note that splitting a populated partition would cause the log file to bloat and, in some cases, the TempDB to run out of space. But you might have to deal with this if you’re adding partitioning in an existing table.

If you are still in the designing phase of your application development and you might be thinking of implementing table partitioning in the backend, then adding a task that would add partitions dynamically as your table grows should be on top of your to-do list. Creating the partitions in advance and staying few steps ahead of your data can save you from a lot of stress and headaches.

Here’s an example of how easy it is to implement a task that will automatically create partitions.

Test Table Partitions

Let’s create a test table. For this demo, we’re going to use a single filegroup (Primary) for convenience purposes.

CREATE TABLE PartitionedTable (

At this point, without any records inserted yet to the table, the sys.partitions Object Catalog View would show something like this:
sys.partitions None Partitioned Table You can pull this metadata with this query:

SELECT o.name objectname ,
i.name indexname ,
partition_id ,
partition_number ,
FROM sys.partitions p
INNER JOIN sys.objects o ON o.object_id = p.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON i.object_id = p.object_id
AND p.index_id = i.index_id
WHERE o.name = 'PartitionedTable';

Partition Function and Scheme

Let’s create the Partition Function and Scheme. Again, for convenience purposes, let’s create the Scheme on a single filegroup, which is the Primary filegroup in this case. Let’s supposed we want to partition our data into month buckets. Since this a date, I’m using Left Range which means the partition uses the upper boundary and includes all the points to its left. If you use Right Range instead, then you have to have a logic to handle the 31st day of some of the months. Just to illustrate that:

LowerBoundaryValue UpperBoundaryValue
NULL 1/1/2017
1/1/2017 2/1/2017

AS PARTITION pfPartitionedTableDate ALL TO ([PRIMARY]);

Upon successful creation of the Partition Function and Scheme, you’ll get a message something like this:

Partition scheme 'schPartitionedTableDate' has been created successfully. 'PRIMARY' is marked as the next used filegroup in partition scheme 'schPartitionedTableDate'.

Add Indexes

Let’s also create indexes for demo purposes.


CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_PartitionedTable_ID ON PartitionedTable (SalesDate) 
 ON schPartitionedTableDate(SalesDate)

Populate Test Table

Although I said that you may want to avoid splitting populated partitions, for the purpose of this blog post, let’s create a single partition, which we already did above, then populate the table with data and add another partition on the populated table.

I am using Redgate SQL Data Generator to populate the test table with these settings on our Partition Column (SalesDate):

Redgate SQL Data Generator


You may remember that we created a partition (1/1/2017). Now with the 1,000 records added, our Table Partition looks like this:

populated table partition

Create Additional Partition

So, let’s create 4 additional partitions:

 ALTER PARTITION SCHEME schPartitionedTableDate 
 ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION pfPartitionedTableDate() SPLIT RANGE('20170201')

 ALTER PARTITION SCHEME schPartitionedTableDate 
 ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION pfPartitionedTableDate() SPLIT RANGE('20170301')

 ALTER PARTITION SCHEME schPartitionedTableDate 
 ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION pfPartitionedTableDate() SPLIT RANGE('20170401')

 ALTER PARTITION SCHEME schPartitionedTableDate 
ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION pfPartitionedTableDate() SPLIT RANGE('20170501')

Insert Additional Records

Let’s insert few new records under April.

INSERT INTO PartitionedTable
VALUES (1001, '2017/04/01','Product1001','ProductDescription1001'),
(1002, '2017/04/01','Product1002','ProductDescription1002'),
(1003, '2017/04/01','Product1003','ProductDescription1003')

So far, we have 5 partitions for each month (January, February, March, April, and May). So we can have a better picture of our table partitions with the additional partitions and data, let’s query the underlying objects:

SELECT OBJECT_NAME(p.object_id) AS ObjectName ,
 i.name AS IndexName ,
 p.index_id AS IndexID ,
 ds.name AS PartitionScheme ,
 p.partition_number AS PartitionNumber ,
 fg.name AS FileGroupName ,
 prv_left.value AS LowerBoundaryValue ,
 prv_right.value AS UpperBoundaryValue ,
 CASE pf.boundary_value_on_right
 END AS PartitionFunctionRange ,
 p.rows AS Rows
FROM sys.partitions AS p
 INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i ON i.object_id = p.object_id
 AND i.index_id = p.index_id
 INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds ON ds.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
 INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps ON ps.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
 INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
 INNER JOIN sys.destination_data_spaces AS dds ON dds.partition_scheme_id = ps.data_space_id
 AND dds.destination_id = p.partition_number
 INNER JOIN sys.filegroups AS fg ON fg.data_space_id = dds.data_space_id
 LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv_left ON ps.function_id = prv_left.function_id
 AND prv_left.boundary_id = p.partition_number- 1
 LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv_right ON ps.function_id = prv_right.function_id
 AND prv_right.boundary_id = p.partition_number
WHERE p.object_id = OBJECT_ID('PartitionedTable');

Which will give us this (click on the picture to enlarge it):

Table Partitions sql server

Dynamic Table Partition Split

So, let’s pretend it’s the month of April 2017 and this is the partition currently populated. Based on the query above, aside from the current partition bucket, we also have another available bucket month for May.

Say we want to maintain 3 available buckets at any given time. The next available bucket is May, so that means we need 2 more partitions to cover for June and July.

To do that, let’s do something like this:

--Variable Declaration
DECLARE @currentpartition INT
 , @chunk INT
 , @partvalue SMALLDATETIME
 , @maintainbucket INT
 , @availablepartition INT
 , @partitiontocreate INT
 , @lastavailablepartid INT
 , @lastavailablepartval INT
 , @sql NVARCHAR(4000)
 ,@sqlmaxdate NVARCHAR(4000)
 , @pscheme VARCHAR(400) ;

SET @pscheme = 'schPartitionedTableDate' ;

SET @chunk = 1 ; --1 Month - Preset Partition Size/Chunk 
SET @maintainbucket = 3 ; --Number of Partitions to maintain any given time

--Prep: Create and Populate Temp Table #Partitions
WITH cte_part
 SELECT i.index_id
 , prv_left.value AS LowerBoundaryValue
 , prv_right.value AS UpperBoundaryValue

, CASE pf.boundary_value_on_right
 END AS PartitionFunctionRange
 , p.partition_number AS PartitionNumber
 , p.rows AS Rows
 --In case the table has multiple indexes
 , ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY prv_left.value, prv_right.value, p.rows
 ORDER BY i.index_id,prv_left.value , prv_right.value 
 ) AS row_num
 FROM sys.partitions AS p
 INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
 ON i.object_id = p.object_id
 AND i.index_id = p.index_id
 INNER JOIN sys.data_spaces AS ds
 ON ds.data_space_id = i.data_space_id
 INNER JOIN sys.partition_schemes AS ps
 ON ps.data_space_id = ds.data_space_id
 INNER JOIN sys.partition_functions AS pf
 ON pf.function_id = ps.function_id
 LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv_left
 ON ps.function_id = prv_left.function_id
 AND prv_left.boundary_id = p.partition_number - 1
 LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.partition_range_values AS prv_right
 ON ps.function_id = prv_right.function_id
 AND prv_right.boundary_id = p.partition_number
 WHERE ds.name = @pscheme --Partition Scheme Name
SELECT cte_part.index_id
 , cte_part.LowerBoundaryValue
 , cte_part.UpperBoundaryValue
 , cte_part.PartitionFunctionRange
 , cte_part.PartitionNumber
 , cte_part.Rows
INTO #Partitions
 FROM cte_part
 WHERE cte_part.row_num = 1
 ORDER BY cte_part.LowerBoundaryValue
 , cte_part.UpperBoundaryValue 
 , cte_part.PartitionFunctionRange

SET @sqlmaxdate = 'SELECT @maxdate = MAX(SalesDate) FROM PartitionedTable' ; 

EXEC sp_executesql @sqlmaxdate
 , @maxdate = @maxdate OUTPUT ;

SELECT @currentpartition = $PARTITION.[pfPartitionedTableDate](@maxdate) ;

--Count the number of available Partitions
SET @availablepartition = ((SELECT MAX( PartitionNumber ) FROM #Partitions) - @currentpartition) - 1 /* Minus 1 excluding unpartitioned in the count*/ ;
SET @partitiontocreate = @maintainbucket - @availablepartition ;
SET @lastavailablepartid = ((SELECT MAX( PartitionNumber ) FROM #Partitions) - 1) ; /* Minus 1 excluding unpartitioned in the count*/
SET @lastavailablepartval = (SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8),UpperBoundaryValue,112)FROM #Partitions WHERE PartitionNumber = @lastavailablepartid) ;

IF @maintainbucket = @availablepartition OR @maintainbucket < @availablepartition
 PRINT 'No Action Needed. Available Partition is: ' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(MAX), @availablepartition ) + ' and Number of Partition to Maintain is: ' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(MAX), @maintainbucket ) ;
 END ;
 SET @partvalue = CAST(CAST(@lastavailablepartval as VARCHAR(8)) AS DATETIME);

 WHILE @partitiontocreate > 0
 SET @partvalue = DATEADD(MONTH, @chunk, @partvalue) ; -- Plus @chunk = 1 Month
 SET @sql = 'ALTER PARTITION SCHEME schPartitionedTableDate 
 ALTER PARTITION FUNCTION [pfPartitionedTableDate]() SPLIT RANGE (''' + CONVERT( VARCHAR(10), @partvalue, 112 ) + ''') --Range Partition Value' ;

 EXEC sp_executesql @statement = @sql ;

SET @partitiontocreate = @partitiontocreate - 1 ;
 END ; 

DROP TABLE #Partitions ;

Now we can see the additional partitions created:

Table Partitions sql server additional table partitions

Run the same code without changing the number of buckets to maintain (3) and you will get this message:

No Action Needed. Available Partition is: 3 and Number of Partition to Maintain is: 3

To make this truly automated, create a job that will run this code on monthly basis.


SQL Operations Studio Chart

by Marlon Ribunal

SQL Operations Studio As Monitoring Dashboard

02/08/2019 Update: Late last year, SQL Operations Studio has been rebranded as Azure Data Studio which you can download and install here.

Microsoft as a company has entered a new phase of innovation under the leadership of their CEO Satya Nadella. In the database world, few of the things that came out of this innovation are SQL Server for Linux, Azure SQL Database, Azure SQL Datawarehouse, etc. As the technology stack, in general, is undergoing a radical shift, the tools that interface to these technologies must, therefore, evolve along.

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT) are the de facto tools used by both SQL Server Database Administrators and SQL Developers for Database Administration and Development. As more and more functions are required of these tools as a direct result of the ever-changing technology landscape, these tools may fall short in some aspects. This is most true for other people that need connectivity to their databases to manage and monitor them, especially the Application Developers and DevOps Engineers.

Database Administrators, developers, DevOps, and those that are involved in the business operations need a flexible tool that they can utilize to deliver solutions effectively to the business. And, equally important is that this tool must be technology agnostic.

This is where SQL Operations Studio (SOS) comes in the picture. SOS is a lightweight, cross-platform client. It is also open-source. Aside from its IDE functionalities, SOS has a lot of more offerings for DBAs, Devs, and DevOps. One of these is that you can use it as a dashboard to monitor your databases. SSMS comes with standard reports as well as custom reports using Report Definition Language or RDL (which is essentially an SSRS-like report residing in SSMS). SQL Operations Studio raised the bar in this regard. You can create multiple widgets to display on your dashboard.

SQL Operations Studio Chart

I have here a query that returns disk latency info. Here’s how easy to add this info as a widget in the SQL Operations Studio Dashboard:

First, view the results as a Chart (see screenshot above). Click Create Insight to pull the JSON code behind the chart. Copy this code.

SQL Operations Studio Chart JSON

Go to the User Setting tab (Click CTRL+ Comma if you’ve closed it). In the search box, type dashboard.database.widgets. If you hover your cursor over the code, that will show a pencil icon. Click the pencil icon to Edit/Copy the Setting to the dashboard. Paste the whole block of JSON code from the Insight tab. Then save user setting.

If you go to the Server panel, right-click on the database and select Manage, you should now see something like this (I added another widget in this case):

SQL Operations Studio Dashboard