There are few memes going around in the SQL world. Probably the most popular of them is TSQL Tuesday (#tsql2sday). Of course, there’s Meme Monday (#mememonday) and also Un-SQL Friday. Another meme that has been gaining traction is #Meme15 to which this post is contributed.
What’s the significance of a meme, you might ask. In a meme, we see the common voice of a community. We may see different opinions but they always convey a common expression of thought, idea, or passion.
Every meme is bound by certain rules – do’s and don’t’s – which define the scope of the conversation. Every participant must play by the rules.
This adherence to the rules is what makes a meme more interesting because you could only go so far in expressing your thoughts. Go beyond these parameters and you become so different.
Meme reveals those who belong to the pack and it exposes those who are not.
Ok, I think that’s an overkill explanation of what a meme is.
Now let’s go back to #Meme15. This month’s assignment is:”What are ten blogs that you think other SQL Server professionals should be following but might not be?“
So, here are the ten blogs that, I think, fit the bill (in no particular order):
1. SQL Brit by John Sansom – My favorite from his blog is the “How To Become A SQL Server DBA” section.
2. Belle’s SQL Musings by Donabel Santos – Database Administration, Development, BI, Powershell, etc. Belle got the whole nine yards.
3. Ted Krueger’s Blog At Less Than Dot – Backup and Recovery, Security and Database Development are just among the great topics you’ll find in Ted’s blog.
4. SSIS – SQL Server Tidbits by Josef Richberg – Are you looking for SSIS Tips & Tricks? He’s one of the go-to guys on SSIS.
5. Andy Leonard’s Blog – Another expert on SSIS and SQL Server Development in general. What I like most about Leonard is his boldness with his Christian Faith. He is
the Tebow of SQL Server.
6. Tradney’s Blog by Tim Radney – Tim started in SQL Server as an accidental DBA. He has now become a solid DBA. He is the latest addition to Linchpin People, LLC, a company founded by Andy Leonard, et al.
7. The Goal Keeping DBA by Kenneth Brian Kelley – It’s a Personal Self-Improvement blog for database professionals.
8. Code Gumbo by Stuart Ainsworth – Topic includes Data Integration, Database Development, and community-related content.
9. Shell Your Experience by Laerte Junior – One of the PowerShell guys. Laerte is the developer of Codeplex SQLPSX – a SQL Server POwerShell Extension. Some of the posts are in Spanish.
10. Michael Hyatt – I know this is not a tech blog but I must add this here because some of the people I know weren’t aware of this blog. You will learn a lot about Leadership from this guy. Leadership is essential in whatever field you’re on.
This list is just a tiny bit of the blogs I’m following. If the meme asked for 100 blogs, I could have probably produced that list.
Do you follow blogs that you think are worth following? Add them in the comment below.